Roof Overlay/Reroofing

When you are initially considering or working to achieve a new roof installation for your commercial property in the Chicagoland area, there are two essential installation methods. The two main contractor installation types you’ll generally select from are roof tear off and roof overlay. A roof tear off typically involves a complete or total removal of the existing roof. Your premier roofing contractor will then install your new commercial roof in its place. A roof overlay or reroofing system essentially involves your chosen premier roofing contractor retaining your current existing roof, keeping it entirely in place, and installing a new roofing system directly on top of it. This new commercial roof for your Chicagoland business will generally consist of entirely new materials. When you’re looking to update or completely replace your existing commercial roof, you must make the right choice for your business efforts and goals.

Roof Replacement Costs

When you’re looking to maximize your existing budget and business efforts, it’s essential to make the right choice for your unique commercial property and its potential needs, short-term and long-term. You deserve the highest value, quality, and durability for your commercial property’s physical attributes. Both of these significant premier roofing types have distinct considerations to note. The potential roof replacement cost for complete or total removal and replacement can be considerable, significantly depending on your unique business’s square footage size and specific roofing needs. A typical roof replacement cost is usually a more considerable upfront cost for a complete roof tear off than a standard roof replacement cost for a roof overlay or reroofing system such as from Nicholas Enterprise Roofing. An entire roof tear off and replacement generally requires more contractor labor time to complete sufficiently. A roof tear off and replacement often also require more materials to complete.

Roof coating systems are particularly beneficial for flat roofs or those with a minor elevation grade. They also help improve energy efficiency from there heat reflecting colors on a flat or relatively flat roof can lead to damaging in the winter, which can cause major damage to the building. Membrane roofs protect against those concerns.


Roof Overlay / Reroofing Benefits

For more significant time and cost efficiency for your commercial budget and efforts, a roof overlay or reroofing system is the best choice overall. With a roof overlay or reroofing system, your business can enjoy the impactful benefits of a quicker project completion time as well as significantly greater cost efficiency and savings. As your chosen new commercial roofing material is simply undergoing direct installation on top of the existing roof material, a roof overlay or reroofing system can experience significantly quicker project completion than a complete roof tear off and replacement. A roof overlay or reroofing system also has the potential to cost much less during its ultimate installation as it doesn’t require as much contractor labor, project time, or roofing materials to complete. In addition, your Chicagoland business can also enjoy the benefit of not needing to pay for the ultimate waste and disposal of your various old roofing materials.

Roof coating systems are particularly beneficial for flat roofs or those with a minor elevation grade. They also help improve energy efficiency from there heat reflecting colors on a flat or relatively flat roof can lead to damaging in the winter, which can cause major damage to the building. Membrane roofs protect against those concerns.

Choose Nicholas Enterprise Roofing for Overlay / Reroofing

When you choose a commercial overlay or reroofing system from Nicholas Enterprise Roofing, one of our qualified roofing contractors can expertly layer a reroofing system over the current existing surface of your business’s flat roof. With one of our reliable and highly durable overlay or reroofing systems, you can not only enjoy increased time and budget savings for your efforts, but you can also benefit from an ice and water shield you can count on. Plus, you can have greater peace of mind and satisfaction knowing that you’ve effectively avoided wasting your valuable commercial roofing materials and, to a degree, recycled them for your efforts. What could be better than saving time and money while also making a positive impact toward the protection and promotion of the environment with your commercial property’s efforts?

When you want to increase the existing ice and water shield provided to your profitable Chicagoland business with your roof, there’s never been a better time to choose the reliable and high-quality services and materials available from Nicholas Enterprise Roofing. There are so many benefits you can enjoy from the sustainable installations of our trained professionals at Nicholas Enterprise Roofing. Our roof overlay or reroofing system can help you to save on debris waste and roofing materials with an updated ice and water shield. This shield can protect your business, its efforts, and your employees and clientele from the intermittently harsh and changeable weather conditions in the Chicagoland area. When you choose one of the commercial roofing or paving offerings our team provides, you can benefit from the results that only proper and efficient installations achieved by our professionals can yield. Our various attuned roofing and paving service offerings can last you decades!